stress management

Preventing Burnout - Part 2 : What's the Organization's Role?

Preventing Burnout - Part 2 : What's the Organization's Role?

Self-Care Is Only Part of the Story

The first article on burnout focussed on practical strategies each individual can do to help keep themselves healthy. However, just like the COVID vaccine is only part of the equation in preventing COVID, strategies on keeping yourself healthy are also just part of the equation for preventing burnout. The second part is the role that workplaces and leaders play.

Immunize Yourself Against Burnout!

Immunize Yourself Against Burnout!

Try these simple strategies today!

Ah, stress… there seems to be plenty around these days! Yet, it's only a problem when we don't allow ourselves to recover. Without recovery, chronic stress may lead to burnout. Read on to find out how you can prevent burnout and manage stress.