How to Handle a Rough Day

The other day I had a really rough day. But I also had a medical student that I was teaching and I wanted to make sure that they were learning from each situation regardless of my own emotions. I made an effort to take advantage of each teachable moment so that my student had the most beneficial experience. In medicine, and I’m sure in many other work situations, you think you have to appear you have everything under control and nothing can phase you. At the end of the day I realized that I had forgotten to teach the most important lesson: how to deal with the rough day!

We all have them. Sometimes it feels like every interaction is challenging. It might feel like everything that can go wrong does go wrong. It can seem quite overwhelming.  So how do you deal with such a day?  Here are my tips and how I dealt with my day. 

  1. Acknowledge that it’s been a rough day and know that you are not alone. We ALL experience these kinds of days. It’s part of being human. Then, take a moment to bring your hand to your heart (if it doesn’t feel weird - Ok even if it does, just do it- there’s much to be said about the mind-body connection) and say to yourself: “May I be strong. May I be kind to myself.“ Remind yourself that you did the best you could. There is great science behind the benefits of self-compassion and on a tough day, we need to be our own friend (inspired by Kristin Neff).

  2. Breathe deeply for one minute. Repeat often. Whenever I could, I snuck in a minute of just breathing deeply and calmly and reminding myself that, right now, I am OK.

  3. Get some fresh air and go for a walk as soon as you can. There is something amazing about being out in nature and the calming effects it brings. I took quick walk in the quiet, snowy evening.

  4. Find someone to talk to. It doesn’t have to be anyone who will “solve the problem” just someone who will listen. I talked to my husband and my daughter. 🥰

  5. Sit with the pain/ anger/frustration/sadness - not the story just the EMOTION, for 90 seconds and notice how that takes the sting away. Repeat often. This is magic. ✨

  6. Look for things in your life for which you are grateful. There is always something you can appreciate. I appreciated leftovers for dinner so I didn’t have to cook & a warm cup of tea my daughter made for me. 💕

  7. Watch a funny video or show. Laughter is a great way to lift mood. I know you’re thinking of a good video right now!😁

  8. Take care of yourself. What can you do to nurture yourself? For me that meant a warm shower, then curling up with a good book and letting family handle the cleanup after dinner.

  9. Journal - I wrote this! But write whatever comes to you. It’s amazing how this lightens the load and may shed a different perspective. Assume life is happening FOR you and not to you. What’s the lesson in this day?

  10. Know that tomorrow is a fresh start. Life is about progress, not perfection. You cannot change the past but you can choose your next step. That is where the power lies! 🤜🏼

Know someone who’s had a rough day? Pass this on! 

Disclaimer: The content in this blog is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog or on this website.